This parameter and menu item selects if Icons are to be saved with image files. If it is YES then an Icon will be saved. The icon depends on the save format.
ENV:TSMorph/def_bw16 - 16 colour grey scale images ENV:TSMorph/def_bw256 - 256 colour grey scale images ENV:TSMorph/def_ham6 - HAM 6 images ENV:TSMorph/def_ham8 - HAM 8 images ENV:TSMorph/def_dctv3 - DCTV 3 plane images using dctv.library ENV:TSMorph/def_dctv4 - DCTV 4 plane images using dctv.library ENV:TSMorph/def_iff - 24 bit ILBM saved using opal.library ENV:TSMorph/def_ilbm - 24 bit ILBM saved without opal.library ENV:TSMorph/def_jpg - JPEG files saved using opal.library ENV:TSMorph/def_ppm - PPM files
If the file does not exist then ENV:SYS/def_ilbm (etc.) is tried, if this does not exist then the default project Icon is used.
Default value is NO.